Monday, 5 December 2011

Final Outcome

Wearable Structure:

This is the final outcome of this module. I decided to use inspiration from the deconstruction project. I chose this one in particular as i felt I could develop it further.  

I liked the way the shoulder pads  created angular shapes, in the skirt.

On this final piece i chose to use a second jacket, this added a new dimension to the piece as they have very different drapes. I also used the shoulder pads back in their in their original position but in a very different way.
I'm pleased overall with the outcome as i felt it turned out better than originally thought it would as with just the grey jacket i found i could take it a lot further than with just one.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Creating the skin/ Draping

Creating the "skin" / Draping:

We then used calico on the base to make the front and back in our pairs. It was hard to keep to our sides and to not make a whole garment. We used shapes that we had found from previous weeks.

In this session we had to cut 4 pieces of calico 40x60cm. We started with creating the skin for the front then moved onto the back. We found this process quite tricky to get right but once we got the hang of it enjoyed it a lot more.

Pleating Workshop

Pleating Workshop:
I found this work shop very interesting as we met the man (i want to say Terry) who created the patterns for these intricate pleats.

It was good to see and try how he creates the templates for the pleats. By folding the paper as required by drawing the fold lines first. Then repeating the process with a new layer then with the fabric laying in between when steamed it takes on the shape of the folded structure.

This was my favourite piece that he showed us as it was interesting to see the development of his work and how from this you could picture it on a garment.