Saturday, 12 November 2011

Week 7 25/10/11 Jacket deconstruction.

In this session used tailored men's blazers (with lining). We then unpicked the lining from the main body of the jacket, keeping the pieces whole. Then with this we had to make wearable structures.

Starting with just the lining ...


Using various different approaches to apply the fabric onto the stand to create different shapes.

I liked the way the shoulder pads, lapels and collar worked towards creating unusual shapes.

For this outcome i used both the outer and lining of the jacket for the purpose of having more fabric and both having different textures.

Using the jacket upside-down created a unusual shape with the collar creating a curved shape whilst still retaining the collar detail from another area of the jacket.

Here by turning the jacket upside down it created a larger section on the bust area. From this I made a fold to make it fit to the stand better.

This concept is similar to that of Christopher Raeburn who uses recycled items to create new garments.

Week 6 Glue and Cloth Part 2 18/10/11

After last weeks session the structure had set into a hard piece we then cut it off of the chairs in two even sections. First of all we just threw one of the pieces on the stand to see what it would do. We let it find its own shape to begin and then sketched at each stage.

From this we made some simple alterations to make it look like a garment.
We were pleased about the fact that the form we produced took on the shape of the curves of the chair and unusual nodules of the end of the chair legs.

We started to try-out different way of applying in to the stand. I really like the way the tights created rigid strips, they enabled us to have a more interesting structure as they took there on shape.

With both halves we created a new structure...


Week 5 Glue and cloth structure 11/10/11

In this session we were instructed to encorporate 1 or more chairs into the structure and wrap it in cling film making sure that we covered all surfaces concentrating on the legs. Shape created by the cling film made a smoothter more interesting shape. Once the shape was wrapped we started to stretch the fabric over the structure.
Using mutton cloth and tights we stretched them over the chairs .We aimed to cover as much of the structure as possible, in order to create a solid structure.

To make the structure stronger we then covered it in a diluted pva solution so when it had dried the structure would hold its shape.

As the structure was saturated in glue we had to use a hair dryer to help it along.
We spent the rest of the session doing 2 minute drawings of  our sculpture and other peoples work with out looking at the page.  Once the glue has set we will use it on the stand.

Week 3 Rule based art 27/09/11

We were each given a different shape that we had to  transform using a set of three rules . My shape was a triangle and  used three rules. 1.Add either a square, circle or triangle 2.Remove a semi circle, triangle or square 3. Make a fold.

Step by step the shape became more and more interesting. From this we folded them according to the rules on a much larger scale to create interesting shapes to put on the stand.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Week 2, 20/09/11 - Making patterns on the stand

We started by loosely wrapping the mannequin in paper and then binding with sellotape, ensuring  it was tight and fit to every curve. Then  we worked together to create style lines, taking into account where seams were needed.

This design didn't work . The cut out sections weren't going to line up correctly in relation to the seams.

On our second attempt we decided to take a completely different approach, we kept the high neckline and the back dip as these were details about the shape we liked.
We simplified the shapes as with 4 of us with the pens we got slightly carried away.

We cut the main pieces out then inserted darts so they would lie flat . We drew around these pieces on dot and cross paper allowing a seam allowance.
We then re made the shape...


We then rearranged the pattern pieces to put together completely different look to the original shape. Using both the pieces from the plain paper and the sellotape wrapped pieces to create variations of shapes and textures.

From this we created pieces that looked almost like petals.

Corresponding sketchbook pages: